On a lark I flew up to Toronto for a quick getaway with a friend. Since it’s wintertime and most sane people travel south, we scored some cheap tickets, booked a cute airbnb, stuffed our wool socks into our weekenders and shoved off.

First timers to Toronto will instinctively try to compare the city to any other western city that they’ve been to (thoughts of New York and Chicago crossed my mind), but the truth is that Toronto is actually a definition unto itself. The city is brimming with culture and character, an amalgamation of old buildings, urbanization, and cultural diversity that stands out.

Toronto is big. Not New York big in the high-rise sense, but it will take you time to cross from one end of the city to the other. Street art is all over the place. In fact I’ve never been to a city with more urban expressiveness.

Another thing that struck me was how diverse the people are, perhaps due to a more forgiving and less paranoid immigration policy. The presence of Asians and Africans is solid, and every person you meet goes beyond friendly, a trait that Canadians have defined for themselves in the world.

As a result of the city’s size and diversity, the burgeoning food scene in Toronto is incomparable. Everything you eat is good, and anything you want can be found. (Once again, apologies for not including food pictures, but that’s what instagram is for).

Our airbnb was located in one of the many old neighborhoods that cover Toronto. The houses all looked weathered and experienced, as if they’ve been around long enough to tell you stories.

Being avid drinkers, my friend and I got to explore some of the night haunts. The bars we found were lively and full of character. Toronto is definitely a place to have a good time, day or night.

So, definitely planning on going back when its warmer! Here’s to you, Toronto.